If a hexagon ABCDEF is circumscribed around a conic and the midpoints P, Q and R of the alternate sides AB, CD & EF touch the conic, and the other three points where the remaining sides of the hexagon touches the conic are labelled X, Y and Z as shown, then the lines PY, XR & QZ connecting opposite tangential points are concurrent at the Brianchon point.
Corollary 1: For the hexagon above, sin A * sin C * sin E = sin B * sin D * sin F.
Corollary 2: The hexagon ABCDEF is inscribed in a conic.
(Drag any of the 'bright' red points).
Download the dynamic geometry software Cinderella 2 for FREE from here, and use it (after unzipping) to view & manipulate the Cinderella BMO conic general dynamic sketch illustrating the above result.
Challenge: Can you explain why (prove) the result is true? If stuck, have a look at the 2005 paper of my friend & colleague, Michael Fox, from the United Kingdom at Proof of BMO conic general which provides not only a proof, but a further generalization. A dynamic sketch by Michael Fox that illustrates the proof and generalization is at Michael Fox theorem.
to "A British Mathematical Olympiad Problem and its dual"
to "Dynamic Geometry Sketches"
to "Student Explorations"
Created by Michael de Villiers, 30 Oct 2010 with Cinderella; updated 15 October 2021; 7 April 2023.