IMO 2014 Problem 4 - Geometry - An elegant proof

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The beauty of this problem is that it can be proved in many different ways ranging from different synthetic approaches involving similarity, Pascal's theorem, enlargement, power of a point, parallelograms, etc. to computational ones involving areal or normal coordinates, trigonometry, etc. The proof below using a homothetic transformation (enlargement) is particularly elegant.

Homothetic proof

Proof: Let X and Y be the midpoints of sides AB and AC, respectively, and Z the intersection of PX and QY as shown in Figure 1. Then PX and QY are medians of similar triangles ABP and CAQ. Thus, ∠BXP = ∠QYA and therefore quadrilateral AXZY is cyclic (exterior angle equals opposite interior angle). Now the homothety with centre A and ratio 2 maps AXZY to ABLC, and completes the proof.

The result about the equality of the products of the opposite sides of the cyclic quadrilateral ABLC, namely AB*CL = BL*AC = ½AL*BC, also follows from the similarities in the figure, and an application of Ptolemy's theorem.

More Proofs: Additional proofs are available as downloadable PDF's at two simple proofs or more proofs.

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Created by Michael de Villiers, 16 July 2014; modified & updated to WebSketchpad on 4 July 2021